Stoppani Shortcut to Strength



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Jim Stoppani, PhD, has been helping clients of all fitness levels build muscle and lose fat for over 20 years. Now, he’s here to help you build quality strength and size with this complete six-week workout, nutrition, and supplement plan! Stoppani is a world-renowned trainer and the creator of JYM Supplement Science. He’s helped thousands of people around the world achieve their fitness goals with programs like Shortcut to Size and Shortcut to Shred.
Shortcut to Strength is your six-week journey to a stronger bench press, squat, and deadlift, but it’s also your ticket to increased muscle mass, total-body strength, and overall power. 
• Challenging but effective 6-week workout plan that will help you build muscle, strength, and athletic power • Appropriate for men and women• Includes daily workouts, video instruction, a nutrition guide, supplement advice, and weekly videos • Nutrition guide includes sample meal plans that can be customized to fit any schedule• Supplement stack supports your hard work in the gym and helps you recover from tough workouts • Learn new training and nutrition tips with videos from Stoppani each week • Tap an exercise to watch a short video demonstration• Workout tracking tool allows you to see workouts completed, skipped, and upcoming• Weight and body fat tracking lets you to see your progress and provides major motivation• Workout and supplement reminder notifications help keep you on track
Strong starts here.